What’s stopping you getting stuff done? ADHD productivity tips – Part 1

If you’ve got ADHD/ADD, getting tasks completed can be tricky. Then add to this the almost constant stream of information, distractions and interruptions experienced on a daily basis, and that trickiness can become a real struggle. But where there’s a problem, there’s also a solution. Here’s three for starters: Me versus the clutter Many clients […]
Clutter, transitions and turmoil

People often find decluttering really difficult and I think one of the reasons for this is because it often accompanies a planned or unplanned life transition. Transitions can, of course, be positive and exciting, but they can also challenge our sense of safety and create emotional turmoil. Us humans tend to prefer what’s familiar and […]
Coping with a clutter explosion!

One of the difficult things about decluttering is the fact that it often causes an explosion of stuff. Once you start pulling things out and emptying cupboards, when piles are moved for sorting, the volume of stuff this produces can feel inordinate. Items that were once hidden away or packed tightly into spaces, can spill […]
Declutter your digitals

Is your digital world needing some attention? If so, it’s not really surprising. Keeping on top of digital spaces can easily be overlooked, but if neglected, can cause us just as much stress as the clutter in our home. Although the content on our digital devices doesn’t take up much actual physical space- too much […]
Finish the cycle

It’s not about having the perfect home. The aim is to create a home that’s in reasonable order on a fairly consistently basis. Think clean clothes, clear floor, clear enough work surfaces and a level of organisation that helps you to find what you need, when you need it. ‘Finish the cycle’ is a statement […]
Organisation and time: my thoughts

The basket in my kitchen used to store
Simplifying your life

My priorities in recent years have changed. I find myself yearning for greater simplicity. The more I pare down to the essentials, the more balance, freedom and pleasure I experience. The things I used to consider important are no longer priorities. I want to spend precious time and energy on the few things that give […]
10 things to get rid of straight away

There is always scope for a more organised home. But even with the best intentions, knowing where to start decluttering can be tricky.