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Clutter, transitions and turmoil

Calm image

People often find decluttering really difficult and I think one of the reasons for this is because it often accompanies a planned or unplanned life transition. Transitions can, of course, be positive and exciting, but they can also challenge our sense of safety and create emotional turmoil. Us humans tend to prefer what’s familiar and predictable!

So it could be moving house, changing jobs, the birth of a child, a bereavement, caregiving, divorce, becoming ill or disabled, children fleeing the nest or simply making a change in your home.
We go through many transitions throughout life. But because change of any kind can unsettle us, bringing out all sorts of thoughts and feelings, it’s worth giving some attention to how best to navigate them.

Transitions begin with an ending and end with a beginning

William Bridges

So how can you make transitions smoother?

Recognise and name them

Simply acknowledging that you are in a transition can help you know what to expect and not be so discouraged when parts of the change feel difficult or uncomfortable.

Give yourself grace 

Given that transitions can bring challenges, remember to build in a buffer to help you handle them. Plan more time to rest and relax. Create more time for things you enjoy doing. In other words, cut yourself some slack!

Process feelings

Difficult feelings like anxiety and sadness are common, but we are conditioned to resist negative emotions. Instead, when they arise, don’t judge them or push them away. Gently acknowledge them with curiosity. Try to identify where the feelings arise in your body and let that energy flow. In other words, feel the feelings. It can also be helpful to write in a journal or have a supportive person to check in with.

Life goes on

Although transitions are an inevitable part of life, times of upheaval will eventually settle into a new status quo. Whether you are facing transition or in the midst of it, as well as the suggestions above, it’s also worth reminding yourself that it won’t be like this forever.

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