Decluttering & Organising in Norfolk and Online

10 things to get rid of straight away

There is always scope for a more organised home. But even with the best intentions, knowing where to start decluttering can be tricky.
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There is always scope for a more organised home. But even with the best intentions, knowing where to start decluttering can be tricky.

What if I need it?  Will I use it again? 

These are common questions I hear from customers when I am helping them sort through stuff in their homes. 

So here are my top 10 items for immediate decluttering:

1. Plastic bags 

I’ve seen drawers and cupboards stuffed with these. Decide on a sensible number appropriate for your shopping needs…then stick to it!

2. Old mobile phones and a random assortment of chargers

Getting rid of them is an easy way to free up space; either recycle or sell. 

3. Outdated electronics

Cassette players, remote controls, VCR’s and leads that are no longer useful. Let go of the items you won’t ever use again.

4. Old laptops, computers and hard drives

These are bulky items that take up a lot of space. Remove and destroy the hard drives, then take to a recycling centre.

5.  Magazines

You promise yourself you will read them again, but don’t. Take them to the local doctors surgery or put them in the recycling bin.

6. Excess pens

Most households have far more than they will ever need. Streamline to a sensible number!

7. Out of date paperwork

Tackle the paper pile bit by bit. Decide what you need to keep and then shred or recycle.

8. Manuals

People often hang on to these in case an item breaks down, but you can find most manuals easily online. Make a note of the serial numbers for quick identification.

9. Unwanted gifts

Do you stash gifted items that you don’t like at the back of a cupboard? Regift  to someone who will get pleasure from them.

10. Towels, tea towels and linens 

Threadbare and stained, we tend to hang on to these long after they are past their best. Donate to charity; animal shelters often welcome old towels.

There are many more categories ripe for decluttering. But this is my ‘top ten’ to get you started……happy decluttering!

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