Decluttering & Organising in Norfolk and Online

Why I started my organising business: an interview with Poppyland Radio

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Last year I was interviewed by Janet Ellis for Poppyland Radio’s Then and Now programme. We chatted about my move to the coastal village of Overstrand in North Norfolk and starting a Professional Organising business. I also selected a few music tracks that meant something to me – I’ve always loved music so it was a joy to be able to do this.

I started my business following redundancy from my Advisory Teaching role with Norfolk County Council. It was a job I enjoyed and had done since I first moved to Norfolk. I quickly realised that I didn’t want to take the predictable route of returning to classroom teaching. I’d had a growing itch for a while – an itch to start a business. However, this meant making some hard decisions – including selling our house, which we’d spent many painstaking years renovating. Added to this, I was in my late fifties, (so not exactly in the first flush of youth), had no experience of running a business and didn’t know where to start. I remember how overwhelming it all felt.

Fast forward several years and I’m so glad I scratched that itch. Although running a business is by no means easy, I find it very rewarding. I’ve learned loads and I love the creativity; being able to create something successful from nothing. And there’s always scope to develop – I’ve recently expanded my services to include an online programme as well as working in peoples homes. It’s definitely given me a new lease of life – opening doors to different people and experiences. It just goes to show that it’s never too late or too difficult to change course or start anew. And apparently there’s a name for people like me who start a business in later years. I’m an ‘olderpreneur’ Who knew?

You can listen to the interview here:

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